Week 1 : Installing Caffe on GTX 1050 Ubuntu 16.04

Install the Graphics

- Installed the graphics card on the motherboard.

- Bought a converter for card - monitor compatibility (50 rm)

- Installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64 bit OS for stability. (It is being said that 17.04 still has issues with CUDA)

- From OS settings -> Software & Updates -> Additional Drivers -> NVIDIA Corporation -> Using NVIDIA binary driver
  |---> To cope with the wrong driver problem
  |---> Ubuntu 16.04 using Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.8, 256 bits) was being shown before I changed it.

- Installed MATLAB

Install the Dependencies

- Installed caffe dependencies :

cuda 9.0

While installing cuda, script prompted to install nvidia 384 driver which I posess a newer version of. I purged my own driver, installed the one it needs. And only then I was able to install CUDA 9.0

Under BLVC Wiki I followed Ubuntu 16.04 Installation Guide to solve one of my hdf5 problems. (see additional commands section)

Configure the Makefile.config

To INCLUDE_DIRS line of the Makefile.config, I added the path /usr/include/hdf5/serial

To MATLAB_DIR assigned my own matlab path

To PYTHON_LIB I assigned my dir of libpython2.7.so

To PYTHON_INCLUDE, I added the numpy/core/include

In CUDA_ARCH section I have commented out the lines containing 20 and 21

INCLUDE_DIRS added the folder /usr/include/hdf5/serial


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